For the purposes
of determining life expectancy, when is a claimant atypical?
The usual order of
things, when assessing quantum, is to determine a claimant’s life expectancy by
reference to the Ogden Tables. Indeed, use of the those tables was endorsed by
the House of Lords in Wells v Wells, where Lord Lloyd of Berwick stated that, ‘the tables should now be regarded as the starting-point, rather than a
Tables 1 and 2
provide ‘Multipliers for pecuniary loss
for life’ for males and females. These multipliers are based on the
projected mortality rates of the United Kingdom as a whole. However, they do
not account for all claimants. Indeed, as paragraph 5 of the Explanatory Notes
to the Ogden Tables states, these multipliers can be modified ‘where there is clear medical evidence in an
individual case to support the view that the individual is atypical, and
will enjoy longer or shorter expectation of life.’
In theory this
seems logical. In practice, however, this leaves lawyers in the difficult
position of trying to determine when an individual is atypical. Of course they
will not be alone in this; the lawyer will likely have medical evidence either
supporting or refuting this proposition. But at what point should a lawyer
instruct a medical expert to assess this? And what threshold is a medical
expert meant to apply to this claimant?
Consider, for
instance, a claimant with a body mass index of 40. Clearly this person would be
classed as being clinically obese. But are they atypical? Do the Ogden Tables
apply to them?
You may notice
that this article has thus far posed a number of rhetorical questions, whilst
not providing any answers. Unfortunately this is indicative of the law on this
issue. These questions have not been properly addressed in any reported
decisions at present, which leaves the lawyers faced with these questions
guessing as to the answer.
So at the risk of
posing yet another question: where should the threshold be set for determining
when a claimant is atypical?
The writer’s view
is that the courts should adopt a conservative approach to this question, by
setting the threshold relatively high. The reasons for this are threefold:
The Ogden Tables are generated
by reference to the UK’s average population. Thus, this includes, on the one
hand, smokers, drinkers and obese people, all of whom might have reduced life
expectancies, and on the other hand, health-obsessed yoga-practicing vegans,
who may have increased life expectancies. The Ogden Tables, therefore, account
for most people, meaning that they should only be deviated from in exceptional
circumstances. Doing otherwise would render them obsolete.
If the threshold for claimants
being atypical was set relatively low, then it would become commonplace for
lawyers to instruct medical experts on life expectancy. Not only would this
exponentially increase the cost of litigation, it would also arguably lead to
unnecessary satellite litigation concerning the admissibility of life expectancy
Legal certainty is an
underlying principle in all litigation. Adding another variable as to what
multiplier should be applied would only serve to undermine this in personal
injury litigation.
So, if the
threshold for claimants being atypical should be set high, then how high? And
how should this expressed?
It would seem that
the difficulty one faces with answering these questions is that however this
threshold test is expressed, it will need to remain relatively vague. The
courts cannot realistically stipulate specific guidance in answer to these
questions. For example, take the claimant considered above with a BMI of over
40. Is it reasonable to deviate from the Ogden Tables with this claimant simply
because of their BMI? What if they were a fit rugby player with a family
history of relatives who live to well over 100? Presumably not in those
The alternative is
to only allow deviation from the Ogden Tables where the medical evidence
indicates that the claimant’s reduction in life exceeds a certain period (eg. 8
years). Arguably though, this would only lead to a plethora of experts being
asked to state that the claimant’s life expectancy is over 8 years below (or
above) average.
It is submitted,
therefore, that this issue must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Beyond
stating that the threshold for deviating from the Ogden Tables should be set
relatively high, ultimately it is heavily reliant upon the discretion of the
judge trying the action. And inevitably this judge will end up applying the
test referred to by Stuart-Smith LJ in Cadogan Estates Ltd v Morris:
‘This seems to me to be an application of the well know elephant
test. It is difficult to describe, but you know it when you see it’.
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